Monday, June 6, 2011

Life has been busy...

When life is busy, there's little time to think.
When there's little time to think, there's less time to feel sad/worried/angry and all other such emotions that need venting.
Hence, no blogging for long time :)

Health complications feared in last post was not true. Thankfully!
I can now reveal the details of the is quite a story..
I had to go for physical checkup for immigration requirements. I could not use my personal physician as per rules. I had to go to someone the immigration people have listed on their website...mostly very poorly rated doctors. I picked one based on's just some routine bad can it be, right? WRONG.
The doctor was listed as dermatologist/general physician. When I reached his clinic, it was more of a beauty clinic with ads of botox, laser hair removal and such! Anyways, the doctor never showed up. His assistants did all the tests and immunization routine (which was little odd but fine with me). Then they kept delaying my reports for weeks. Finally, the doctor's receptionist-cum-assistant told me I have an infectious STD and I need to go see a specialist!!!!! That was when I blogged last.
After the initial shock I started searching the net. Thanks to my biology background I know I can't possibly have that disease (I am a very faithful girl and I trust my husband too). Thanks to the internet for providing some quick info about the specifics of the disease, and thanks again to my biology education for teaching me how to read lab reports, I realized that my lab report was actually a false positive due to some generic antibodies. The same report clearly showed that the lab has done two more confirmatory test after that to find out I am fine. My personal physician confirmed my findings. Turns out the doctor's receptionist-cum-assistant did not know how to read anything outside what she is used to seeing (a false positive happens 1 in hundreds). She didn't even bother to show the report to her superiors and the superiors didn't even bother to check the report, before telling someone that they have a bad disease!! When I called them back, their attitude was 'oops we missed that' real apology..nothing to make it better. On the contrary, it took 2 weeks and several bugging phone calls for them to write a simple fill-in-the-blanks report, that too an incorrect one!! When I got the report, it said that I have history of chicken pox instead of saying I got vaccinated for that disease from them!!!!!!! So I had to go back and make them write one more.
Phew! I am glad I don't have to deal with such 'doctors' on regular basis. is craziness free for now and as mentioned above has been busy.
So what's keeping me busy?
No I'm not expecting :p
- Just started getting better results with my experiments (ref previous frustrated posts). So busy making sense of those results and planning and executing follow-up experiments.
- Went to Florida on a short work trip, but managed to meet up K and her new husband. She seemed quite happy and I don't think I need to worry for her anymore :)
- Also have been busy with some home improvement/ home decoration type of work. My brother-in-law and his family are visiting us in a week. First visitors from anyone from J's family. So time to start acting like 'grown up married people' and make our house look like one where 'grown up married people' live and entertain guests :p


Jack said...


What a scare and then relief. Can you not sue those people? On second thought, forget it as that will not make any difference to them. I am glad that there is positive improvement on professional side too. Waiting for your visit.

Take care

P said...

Hi Jack,
Suing would be ideal, but just too much work for me. But I am planning to report them somewhere..not yet sure where it should be..if not anything at least I'll at least tell the story on some public rating sites so that general public knows what to expect from them. I'm just waiting for my immigration paper work to be all done because I don't know if I will need to get some report from them again or not (hope not).

I read all your posts. I usually read blogs through reader and so don't always get around commenting on all the posts. I am more of silent reader I guess :)

Pavi!!!! said...

Yikes!!! thats a mess!

But alls well that ends well :)

Stone said...

I can totally visualize that stupid "oops we missed that.." expression.

Please do post the link of review of this doctor/clinic here.

Pooja said...

OH man!!!! What a mess!!!! Scary shit really, thank God for your smarts!!!! :)

Arunima said...

phew! glad to read your post. God, STD!