Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lost all wisdom and totally bored now

I got all my wisdom teeth extracted on Monday, yes, all 4 of them gone for good. No more pain!!
I have been sitting at home this entire week, swollen and drugged, and I am soooooo bored. I finished all things saved on the DVR. Live TV is so lame during daytime. Looks like American channels assume that only weird people watch TV during daytime! How long can one surf the net randomly or watch youtube videos? I guess I can read a book, but don't really have any easy-read books around. It's hard to focus on serious stuff on all the painkillers.
What do stay-at-home people do keep themselves entertained? Need some easy ideas.


Jack said...


Wish you speedy recovery. Hope you are fit by now. On such days there are only two things one can do, first is to catch up with sleep and second it to write as much as one can if sleep is eluding.

Take care

P said...

Thanks Jack. I'm back to normal life now :)

Arunima said...

mine too are gone. :-) welcome to the club. had all of them extracted at one go.