Friday, September 12, 2008

Formula of success

A is an intelligent, hardworking person.
B is equally intelligent and hardworking, if not more.

A is very successful in life, personal and professional.
B is not much so in either.

A is a jolly person and always nice to everyone, even when others don't deserve niceness.
B is always grumpy, even when others are nice to him/her.

One would think that the reason of A's niceness is because of his/her successful life, whereas B is bitter because life has not been sweet to him/her.

But I have a strong feeling, its the other way around. I think I agree with whoever said "Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success."


Solitaire said...

There are so many different reasons for why people are a certain way. It could be that A and B were born with those personalities to begin with!!

aneri_masi said...

Absolutely agree with you!
A will make lemonade out of the lemon life hands her/him, while B will complain that if only he/she had a mango, life would be different!

Unknown said...

I hate both A and B
A is too goody goody. Feel like smashing is face with a pie for being so smug

And for B, yeesh. No words

Be C. The guy who will sarcastically complain about being successful. That annoys both A and B. Better yet, act nonchalant about your success. That drives them nuts.

Ahhh, if I was given a lemon, I wouldn't make lemon juice, or complain about having a mango. Would probably just trade it for gingerale.

Life is good. But I wouldn't know. :P

Ankur said...

I beg to differ with ur last statement, though i identified it wud come in the end!!

Things really become difficult after some time, Was B the same always??

Sometimes when success eludes you, you become the way B is... its difficult to be wat u r after defeats!! !:)


Arunima said...

I was wondering who is a and who is B but the last line made everything clear. yeah, so true.

Pavi!!!! said...

Its a two-way arrow..a bit of both ...and not entirely on any one side..