Saturday, February 9, 2008

Craving for heroism

Last evening I met my personal hero. Here's what happened:
I was really bored waiting for my adviser to show up for our late Friday afternoon lab meeting. To stay awake I thought I can use some sugar in my system and so I went to get a Snickers bar from the vending machine. I put the money, my change came back but the chocolate bar got stuck halfway. Slapping and hitting the machine couple of times didn't move it an inch and so I started leaving the place mourning my loss of 75 cents. At the very moment, a guy appeared from nowhere to get a cup of coffee from the next machine and he jumped in to get me my chocolate (I didn't even ask him to!). First he slapped, hit, rocked the machine..nothing happened..then he tried putting his arm inside the machine almost lying down on the dirty floor (I was scared that he might break his hand)..still nothing..then he pulled out a key chain with all kinds of tools on it (now I was very scared that he might break the machine and police will put both of us in jail)..but after almost 5 minutes of struggling on his hands and knees, he got up with my 75 cents chocolate bar in hand, offered it to me with a victorious smile and said "I can be really persistent". I felt soooo flattered :P

Even though we, today's women take pride in being strong and self-dependent and most of the times get annoyed if men around us try to be protective but maybe somewhere deep down we still like to be saved by an occasional knight in shinning armor :D


Satanic Angel said...

hehe..u cuda shared ur snicker bar wit him :p

P said...

Two other things (some cake and another chocolate) fell off with my snickers. Apparently the machine was giving trouble the entire day. Anyways, I let him take those two things. He was giving them to me too :)