Monday, July 28, 2008

New home

So after a real hectic move in a very short time I am finally in California!

There's a lot to be excited about. Being near J, new job, lovely weather, city life with public transport and actual restaurants. But the thing that I am most excited about is that there is a hindi movie theater just walking distance from my new home! :D

I think I can live here :)


Anonymous said...

wow, new city, close to bf n gr9 weather....good combo....

aneri_masi said...

welcome welcome :)

Are you close to Naaz?

rayshma said...

oh kewl! have fun! :)

Solitaire said...

Yay!! Welcome to my future home!

Ankur said...

kewl... :)

have fun there!


aneri_masi said...

Ok, don't know why I assumed you are now in N. CA. (wishful thinking I guess ;)

Pavi!!!! said...

ohhhhhhh..nice! Congrats!

am glad ur liking the new place n the move was peaceful :)Have u already started work or are u on a break??

P said...

Thanks all :)

@ AM: I AM in north CA and I think the theater IS Naz :)

@ Solitaire: You moving here soon too???

@ Pavi: Will start new job from Aug 1st. I'm at home this week but not on a real break. Still need to work on my thesis little bit before I can send it for final publishing :(

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Congrats. and girl, finish off the thesis before anything else. it will be the best gift you can give yourself.
All the very best for great things ahead. :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

oh and time to change your about me profile..grad sudent no more! :)

P said...

@tgfi: yesss, I finally finished the thesis and submitted to grad school. I needed that closure to feel the change in status. Now I can change my profile :)

Solitaire said...

Me not moving there soon. Just dreaming of moving there. ;)

Solitaire said...

Read about where I am now on Psychobabble.

P said...

@ solitaire: Maybe next year your dream will come true when you look for a job :)