After typing 30,000+ words, I didn't think I would ever again
Yessss..I submitted my dissertation 3 days ago :)
Final defense is in two weeks and I should be dead scared right now, but I guess my brain is still numb to feel anything.
So while I'm in this numb state of mind, I think I will do the 'Secrets' tag for Poo. I am very secretive and might not be able to confess my deep dark secrets in a normal state of mind
Ok, so I am supposed to tell 10 secrets about me. Since no one in the blog world knows me personally, pretty much anything I write will be new. But I will try to think of some "true" secrets. After all, the whole purpose of my blogging is to write down things that I can't say out loud. So here it goes:
1. People around me know that I am very close to my parents, but no one knows that how possessive I am about them. I am the only child and used to getting all their attention. So anytime my cousins or any other kid came to visit us, I used to be very, very jealous. I would pray that they leave soon and do all kind of tantrums (like faking sickness) to get attention
3. I am very adventurous with food. I can eat (may not always like it) anything that doesn't appear gross and that another human being next to me is eating. Some of the weird things I ate when none of my friends wanted to try are bheja fry (fried goat brain), frog legs and chicken gizzard. I must say they tasted pretty good :)
4. Talking of eating, one of my regular nightmares is that I have lost some of my teeth!! I have no idea why I get this nightmare all the time. Anyone knows dream analysis?
The other nightmare that I get often is being unimaginably late for something (class, train, plane, etc.). I think subconsciously I hate my habit of doing all things on the eleventh hour.
5. I don't remember any of my good dreams after I wake up, but I remember all my daydreams. As my profile says, I am a compulsive daydreamer. I think about future a lot and to the finest details. The fun part is that a lot of my daydreams have come true to the minutest details :) For example, long before I decided about my career I simply dreamt of working in US. I would imagine different professions at different times, but every time I will imagine living in an apartment in some place of US with a roommate, doing all chores myself etc. It was like deja vu when I first arrived in US and started living with my first roomie :)
6. Currently I live alone. Some of my friends think I must be very unhappy to be living by myself. But actually I love, love, love living alone. I always did. Anytime my parents went out for the day, I used to feel like the king (ok queen). The last two years have been the happiest time of my life. And to tell you a bigger secret, I am really scared to move to CA because very soon I might be living with J and won't have the whole house to myself :(
7. My friends were very surprised when they heard about J for the first time because I never showed interest in dating. They thought of me as the most unromantic person. What they don't know is I have been a hopeless romantic since ever and always believed in the 'someone somewhere' philosophy :) I just don't believe in casual dating or kissing every frog coming my way.
8. My first major crush was on a neighbor. He was the heart-throb of all girls in my school and he was quite a casanova too. To him I was just the ugly kid whom he has to (against his wishes) escort to school everyday :) Now we are friends though and he even calls himself my 'fan' on orkut.
9. I always loved going to school (duh..that's why I am still in school). But, I hated going to my music school. I love music and singing, but the problem was that my mom sent me to an Indian classical music class and I totally hated it. So every Sunday I will have fake stomach aches, cough and one time I even tried getting a fever by putting an onion under my arms (got the idea from some brilliant bollywood movie
Pheeww....thinking of 10 secrets is more difficult than I thought!
I think everyone I know has already done this tag. If not, please consider yourself tagged and share your deep dark secrets too. :)
heyy, congrats!!! can barely wait for vin to say he's submitted the dissertation!
and yes, we're quite alike... :0) i was nodding and saying "me too" to so many of those!! :D
hey good one. long time a post....writing in quickie stuff as gotta go to office.....
wud be back for more and many congs for submission
rock on
OMG!! I did not read any secrets but my dissertation is due TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!!!!!! Let's keep each other posted.
@ Thanks Rayshma! Is Vin graduating this year too? Good luck to him. And to you too for being around a grad student at the time of dissertation submission :D
@ Thanks Ashu. Ya..was busy writing that other stuff.
@ Solitaire: Oh wow! ALL THE BEST!
oiiiii... dnt lose ur grip on ur dreams..u must fight just to keep them alive...and fight sum more to makle them will be great if ur mission goes worng sumwhere and army is called in to resuce u and guess what u will see samby in unifrom LOL... see dreaming is so nice
Love all the secrets...I stole a bunch of Hajmola from my bua's house and popped them all in my mouth at once and cried quietly coz it burned my tongue! I love living alone too, and no one seems to get tht!
Oh, I get the teeth falling off dream a lot!! And its really scary at the time, from what I have read about it, it means that the person who is having the said dream is really concerned about their physical appearance, and the teeth falling off in the dream is like a threat to this sense of pride in ones outward appearance. In a nutshell, it means the person is a looks obsessed person!!! I would like to deny tht about myself...but for me its kinda true....:)))
Much congrats on submitting the dessertation!
@ Samby: Thanks for the encouragement. I really wish you get to fulfill your Army dream, but I don't want to dream about being in a situation where I have to be rescued :)
@ Poo: Ah, that dream analysis is correct in a strange way. I care about my appearance, but mostly I am too lazy to do anything about it. So I just claim to not care. I guess the subconscious guilt triggers those dreams then!
You should definitely try living on your own then, even if for a year. Going back to civilization might become difficult after that I must warn :)
I'm arriving pretty late here.
Good luck with your defense!! I hope your committee goes easy on you.
Keep me posted on how it went!
:-) nice post and all the best!
Love song from Roja.
@ Carolinagal: Better late than never :)
Thanks for your wishes. I hope that too. Will surely post how it went (assuming I stay alive to do that!).
@ Arunima: Thanks :)
doctoral dissertation?
nice to know more about ya!
i daydream a heck of a lot, and don't remember most of my night-time dreams either! though i end up getting killed or killing someone or fleeing for my life most of the time!
Yes sir. Doctoral dissertation it is.
Do you play lot of video games..the ones which are all about killing? :p
Actually I also used to get nightmares about being chased and me trying desperately to flee. Wonder what that dream means. Maybe we should ask Poo for the analysis!
o yea i adore games that are mindlessly violent. but i prefer the star wars games. jedi rock!!!
poo is a shrink?
Poo analyzed my dream in her comment here.
And yes as far as I remember, she has a Masters in Psychology.
Go lady.. get a nobel prize ;-)
ANd yeah.. now we know P better
@ Smokin joe: Thanks for the I'll surely get it :p
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