"And when are you getting married?"
Seems like people (specifically not-so-close family and friends back home) want to know only these two things about me these days. I was asked these two questions at least a dozen times in last few months!!
I am amazed because as I mentioned these people are 'not-so-close' to me.
It's not likely that I will visit any of these people whenever I go home.
It's not likely that they will get invited to my wedding whenever it is.
Then why are they so interested?
If this is just formality, can't they just stick to regular questions like "How are you?" and "How is life/work etc.?"
It's starting to get on my nerves because I'm totally clueless about my own future right now
I'm running out of quirky answers. Anyone got ideas?
ya i do have?
but temme
When r u comin to India?
When r u getting married?
its funny coz more than us the ppl arnd us r more worried when r gonna marry, i wont for next 2... or may be 7, have to do another Masters yaa... :D
well, just tell them... bahut jaldi, i guess they will be satisfied :P
and thanks for dropping by...
Blogrolling u...already ;)
u know the best solution to these questions is to smile sweetly and ask 'why do u wanna know?'
believe me it always works...gets them unoffended and stops further asking...
please note: only works with 'not so close' ppl though..sigh!:-/
@ Ankur: hehe very funny! wait till you cross 30. Real harassment for men starts after that :P If you're still not married by then, people will not be just worried..they will make you feel as if you are doing a crime or you are seriously abnormal.
I like your suggestion. Will try that next time ;)
Thanks for visiting and adding me.:)
@Pri: Hello and thanks for stopping by! :)
Sweetness (even the fake one) doesn't come to me easily :( I might end up sounding rude. Maybe I can try your answer for the online msgs, with smilies and all ;)
Hahah. Sounds very familiar.
When people ask me, "when are you coming to India?"..I say not now..I want to but got no leave..and I have been saying that for 3 years.
When they ask me when are you getting married, I say 2010. That shuts them up until then.
At least you have a groom in mind.
**they will make you feel as if you are doing a crime or you are seriously abnormal.
well in this world noone can ever make u feel embarrased except u, urself!!!
well i dont have any plans to get married in the recent future, guess thats a result of a broken relationship but i feel that i have to see a lot of this world, may be ppl will make me realize wat i m missin, i too know i will miss a wife, better half, who shld be there to give u the shoulders to cry and weep... to think and to act.. but i guess, i have friends for now... wat future holds for me i dont know as of now, n may be someday i get the girl i want then who knowss.... :D
and also... i really liked wat solitaire said, so if u dont mind soundin rude, thats the best reply u can give... :D
I say those things too. Sometimes when I'm little extra annoyed by marriage questions then I say "I am enjoying living alone too much. I do not feel like adjusting with anyone".
One of my close friend goes even further and says things like "Why settle for one guy when I can be with many now" or "I don't like men. I'm interested in girls but my parents won't like that" :P In reality, she has a steady bf, just not in a rush to get married :D
The not-so-close people are not aware of the groom-in-mind. But yeah, my parents don't give me much trouble since they know about J.
I usually give the same answers as Solitaire and even worse (check my reply to her) :)
Wish you find 'that special person' soon. Don't feel bad about missing something now. There will be always something or other missing in life.
umm.. i hear u!! loud and clear!
try telling them: "i wouldn't tell u even if i knew." usually shuts them up for a while.
hmm now that sounds like an interesting idea that I can implement *evil grin*
thanks for visiting Rayshma!
The 2 Qs i get endlessly is
1. When r u coming to india?
2. When do u plan to have a baby?
I just say "Not sure. Yet planning".
Ya my best friend is married and she gets the baby question all the time too!
I give such decent answers too but sometimes I feel like saying something that will let them know that I am irritated by their curiosity :P
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